SUMMER of 2024.
This page serves to aggregate many sources of relevant weather data and information found on line and is in constant development. We hope that the information here serves the outdoor sports community in helping make better decisions about their outdoor activities.
Although this page is geo-specific to Red and Granite Mountains near Rossland, BC, many of the tools apply to much of the Pacific North West.
For more information about weather in general, see weather and meteorology. And, for discussions about the bigger issue for our planet, see climate.
Please be aware that weather forecasts are very fluid and dynamic, they are in constant change. To this I present the “Five Day Rule of Weather Prediction” from Cliff Mass from his weather blog at .
“Predictions of severe or exciting weather for more than five days out should be considered with caution. Be VERY careful of hyping forecasts for longer periods. Be aware of the uncertainty of big events predicted at longer lead times.”